3 Days To Change Your Practice
Challenge includes in depth training sessions, projects, and Q & A.
Day 1: How To Have The Practice You've Always Wanted
Day 2: Find The Holes
Day 3: Where To Go From Here
During this 3-day class, learn how Dr. Ty uses his Practice Diagnostics to not only grow his own practice to nearly $2 Million a year business, but also helped thousands of others find greater success, fulfillment and joy in their own practices... All without cookie cutter practice management techniques that don't work. The fastest way to the practice you want, and the fastest way to more income, more ease, and more fun, with less hours of work is the Start, Stay, Refer and Pay Challenge! How fast? Just 3 days!
3 days- 30 minutes Per Day- TAKE ACTION Oriented
Spend 3 Days with Dr. Ty and get the kick in the diagnostic tools you need to create your Start, Stay, Refer and Pay Practice NOW! You won't leave this challenge just feeling good, you could leave it with a clear understanding of what is lacking and how to fix it!
still have questions? here are some answers
Copyright © 2024 - Dr. Ty | The Compliance Guy | HIPAA Compliance Services | Power Strategies, Inc.
NOTICE: Dr. Ty the Compliance Guy provides this information with the express understanding that (1) no attorney-client relationship exists, (2) neither Dr. Ty, his employees nor its attorneys are engaged in providing legal advice, and (3) the information is of a general character. This is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. While every effort is made to ensure that content is complete, accurate, and timely, Dr. Ty cannot guarantee the accuracy and totality of the information contained in this publication and assumes no legal responsibility for loss or damages resulting from the use of this content. You should not rely on this information when dealing with personal legal matters; rather legal advice from retained legal counsel should be sought. Any legal forms are only provided for the use of physicians in consultation with their attorneys. Certain links provided with this information connect to websites maintained by third parties. Dr. Ty has no control over these websites or the information, goods, or services provided by third parties. Dr. Ty shall have no liability for any use or reliance by a user on these third-party websites